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exhibition 2016/2017


flyer 2016 (Teil 1 + 2)

flyer 2017 (Flyer)

catalogue (Katalog)

Film  (Film)

reflection "ausgekocht" (article)





How to find us

Museum Opening Hours

90768 Fürth - Burgfarrnbach,
Schlosshof 23

During opening hours you can reach us by phone:

Otherwise please contact us at
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)frauenindereinenwelt.de







Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
Museum of Women's Culture Regional-International, Marstall of the Castle of Burgfarrnbach/Fürth


Exhibition "ausgekocht?"
(The end of cooking? boiled out? Cooking and Nutrition
in the context of conflicting priorities between new life scripts and the global food industry) 
                  May 5 - October 31, 2017 

What questions do women ask about nutrition today? Cooking seems to be “out" - cooking at home is becoming increasingly rare, fast meals are being replaced by industrially produced ready meals. International companies are pushing their way into kitchens all over the world. Food waste and lack of sustainability on the one hand lead to malnutrition and loss of nutritional autonomy on the other.

At the same time, more and more people are associating cooking and eating with enjoyment, lifestyle and social responsibility.
We show stories of women from all over the world who give special meaning to cooking and eating, participation and community - individually but with high social relevance. They give us courage: we can shape the food and agricultural system with many small and larger decisions on the cooking pot.

The exhibition aims to:

  1. Examine the influence that powerful international food corporations have on local communities by looking at common food items such as tomatoes, potatoes and sugar.  

  2. Compare the amount of time women in poor countries spend preparing their daily food to women in industrialized countries.

  3. Describe the roles that women have worldwide regarding food production and food distribution. In the industrialized countries, women are mostly free to choose their daily diet, whereas in the poorer regions, women farmers and food sellers worry about their subsistence.

  4. Highlight how sharing meals and joint cooking ventures such as diaspora kitchens and dining groups contribute to intercultural understanding.

  5. Support the topics of the exhibit with unique installations and multifaceted visual media and thus

  6. Encourage visitors to examine their personal responsibilities - not only with regard to staying informed about global food production and distribution, but also with regard to their individual shopping, cooking and eating behaviours.


We thank the companies Krups, Unold and Vorwerk for loans!



Our exhibition “ausgekocht" („cooked“) went on journey. In autumn 2018 you could see it again in Merano.




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"Dialogues in the Museum": May 5, 2017 (5:00 pm) to May 6, 2017 (6:00 pm): The right to food and food sovereignty (program)