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Exhibition 2019



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M. Watanabe: Civil-Society-Commitment [blog]


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Museum Frauenkultur Regional–International im Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach/Fürth
Museum of Women's Culture Regional-International, Marstall of the Castle of Burgfarrnbach/Fürth


„RÜCK BLICK NACH VORNE. 1989 - 2019 - 2030"
Retrospektive Back to the Future. 1989-2019-2030

04 May - 31 October 2019

The 2019 exhibition takes the 30th anniversary of Women in One World as an opportunity to ask questions:
How do globalisation processes affect women in both the South and the North? How can we act together for social justice and peace across cultural borders and social conflicts?

1. global migration and its impact on women
(care chains/marriage migration/escape causes)

2. peace movements and cooperation across hostile borders

3. economic independence and sustainable development

4. self-determination in every phase of life (collective as well as individual)


Retrospective to the international Dialogues 2019 by Mahshad Afshar  (link vimeo) (link facebook)




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Retrospective to the international Dialogues 2019 by Mahshad Afshar  (link vimeo) (link facebook)