90768 Fürth - Burgfarrnbach,
Schlosshof 23
During opening hours you can reach us by phone:
Otherwise please contact us at
Tel: 0911-598 07 69
email: info(at)frauenindereinenwelt.de
The Museum Frauenkultur Regional-International is one of six women's museums in Germany and the first women's museum in Bavaria. Founded in 2003 as a „mobile“ museum, it has had its permanent location in the Marstall von Schloss Burgfarrnbach in Fürth/Bavaria since 2006, in cooperation with the city of Fürth.
The exhibitions are the result of the work of the Nuremberg association “Frauen in der Einen Welt - Zentrum für interkulturelle Frauenalltagsforschung und internationalen Austausch e. V. “ (Women in One World - Centre for Intercultural Women's Research and International Exchange), which is also the sponsor of the museum (see “We are";).
2014 Awarded the Women's Promotion Prize of the City of Nuremberg
Some of the exhibitions can be taken over completely or partially. In their culturally comparative subject matter, they are suitable for borrowers to supplement with their own objects and to integrate into their own accompanying programme. The selection of the scope of the loan is made in personal consultation, and the amount of the loan fee, the transport costs, etc. are determined in connection with this.
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I. Exhibitions in the museum of Women's Culture Regional-International
2024 | Baustelle Frauenbild [DE] |
2023 | Geburtskulturen [more] |
2022 | TECHNIK#weiblich#logisch - digital - gendergerecht - nachhaltig" [more] [MUSEUM ONLINE] |
2021 |
TECHNIK#weiblich#logisch - digital - gendergerecht - nachhaltig "Technology#Female#Logical - digital, equitable, sustainable" [more] [virtual opening of the exhibition - youtube] [MUSEUM ONLINE] |
2020 | TECHNIK#weiblich#logisch - Frauen und Technik in der Metropolregion [more] [MUSEUM ONLINE] [virtual tour (youtube)] |
2019 | Rück Blick Nach Vorne [more] (Retrospektive Back to the Future. 1989-2019-2030) |
2018 | Wie weiblich ist die Stadt? Fürth und die Partnerstädte
Limoges, Marmaris, Midoun, Paisley, Xolokastro [more] |
2017/16 | "ausgekocht?" [more] (The end of cooking? boiled out? Cooking and Nutrition in the context of conflicting priorities between new life scripts and the global food industry) |
2015 | "Kriegssocken und Peacemakerinnen" [more] (War socks and peacemakers) |
2014/13 | "Gewonnene Jahre - Neues Zeitalter für Frauen?" [more] (Years gained - New Age for Women?) |
2012 | "Sehen und gesehen werden" II, Museumsausstellung [more] (“See and be seen" II, museum exhibition) |
2011/10 | "La Bonne - vom Dienstmädchen zur globalen Dienstleisterin" [more] (La Bonne - from maid to global service provider) |
2009 | "Schicksalsfäden. Geschichten in Stoff von Gewalt, Hoffen und Überleben" [Catalogue] (Fate threads. Stories in the Material of Violence, Hope and Survival) |
2008/07 | "Ins Licht gerückt - 20 LiBeraturpreisträgerinnen" [more] (Bringing into light - 20 LiBeraturpreis winners) |
2006 | "Kopftuchkulturen - Ein Stückchen Stoff in Geschichte und Gegenwart" [more] (Headscarf cultures - a piece of fabric in the past and present) |
II. Exhibitions "Museum Mobil" in the City of Fürth, 2003 - 2005
2004 | "Sehen und gesehen werden" I, Kunstausstellung [more] (See and be seen I", art exhibition) |
2004 | "Verflechtungen. Korbmacherinnen in Zambia und in Oberfranken" [more] (Interwtwining. Basket makers in Zambia and Upper Franconia) |
2003 | "Über-Lebens-Kunst - Frauenalltag auf Stoffbildern" [more] ("ART OF SURVIVAL - everyday life of women on fabric pictures") |
2003 | "Hoffnung auf eigenes Geld. Bierbrauerinnen, Töpferinnen, Landfrauen. Frauenalltag in Burkina Faso" [more] (Hope for own money. Brewers, potters, countrywomen. Women's everyday life in Burkina Faso) |
III. Exhibitions "Women in One World", 1986 - 2003 (more)
2003 | "Unartig, Neuartig, Fremdartig. Frauen in Mittelfranken" [more] (Naughty, Novel, Strange. Women in Middle Franconia) |
1995 | "Über-Lebens-Kunst - Frauenalltag auf Stoffbildern" (1995) [more] ("ART OF SURVIVAL - everyday life of women on fabric pictures") |
1994 | "Das Holz, das Heim, das Brot" [more] (The wood, the home, the bread) |
1993 | "Abenteuer Ehe. Heiratsmigrantinnen gestern und heute" [more] (Adventure Marriage - Migrant Women yesterday and today) |
1991 | "Wir werden nicht schweigen." Frauengeschichten aus Israel und Palästina [Frauen in der Einen Welt und Regenbogen Bayern e.V.] |
1990 | "Flucht - Vertreibung - Exil - Asyl" [Projektgruppe Flüchtlingsfrauen, Nürnberg] (Flight - Expulsion - Exile - Asylum) |
1989 | "Die tapferen Bergarbeiterfrauen aus Canarias (Peru)" "Für alles musst Du kämpfen. Dokumente des Frauenkampfes in Chie und Peru gegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen, gestickt und appliziert auf Stoffbilder" |
1986 | "Das Kopftuch - ein Stückchen Stoff in Geschichte und Gegenwart" |
"Frauen in der Einen Welt." Fotoausstellung |